This is our full Privacy Notice, which looks to offer an expanded version of our downloadable privacy statement.
We are an Insurance Intermediary, who specialise in providing insurance for events. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We are a data controller, registered with the Information Commissioner Office.
We only offer the insurance products of two insurance companies, and more information about them can be found on our websites Terms of Business page here.
Under this policy, we promise to endeavour to:
- To keep your data safe.
- To remove or delete your data as soon as we no longer need to keep it.
- To never sell your data.
- To make sure you are aware of your rights, in the clearest way possible.
We will only use your information on the basis that it is necessary to:
- Administer your insurance contract.
- To provide an offer or quotation for an insurance contract.
- To help process or resolve a claim.
- To help process or resolve a complaint.
- To, with your explicit consent, provide you within information about additional products we offer.
- To help prevent or reduce financial crime.
Where we need to pass information to other firms, it will only be for the purpose outlined above in Section 3.
By other firms, we mean:
- Insurers.
- Other insurance brokers.
- Compliance consultancy.
- Firms appointed to handle claims.
- Finance providers & Accountancy firms.
- Companies who process, administer, or destroy our records.
- Marketing consultants.
- A regulator such as the FCA, ICO or the FOS.
- A crime prevention body.
- Your venue, local authority or other person who has requested proof of insurance, with your consent only.
When we contact you, it will either be for administering your insurance contract, resolving a claim or a complaint.
It could also be because we have a legitimate interest in offering you a related product in the form of:
- An invitation to renew your policy for events the following year, or
- Following up with quotations you have received from us, or
- Following up an application or enquiry which you have made to us
For any other marketing it will only be with your consent and you will be able to withdraw your consent or unsubscribe easily at any time.
If we transfer information to a third country outside the EU, we will only do so if a similar level of protection applies.
If we need to obtain information which is by nature sensitive, we will only do so on the basis that it is in the public interest - for example to fight crime, prevent fraud or to make sure insurance is available.
If you accept our services and enter into a contract with us, you may be contacted by a third party review site to provide feedback on our company.
All information which will collect about you will be stored within the UK by us, mostly in an electronic format.
We do not store any card payment details.
If we send your data to a third party, we will have undertaken a due diligence check on them to ensure they are either GDPR compliant or covered by necessary contractual controls (if outside of the European Economic Area) to ensure compliance relative to GDPR is present.
To administer your insurance contract, to offer you a contract or to process a claim, we will need to collect contact details from you.
Then, depending on the type of insurance cover you require, we may need personal details which might include details of members of your family, lifestyle, finances, business, or education.
We will only collect what is necessary and will only keep it for as long as we are required to do in line with our data retention policy. You can ask us for a copy.
Under certain circumstances we may also need to obtain information about Race or Origin, Gender, Religion, Health, Politics, Sex or Sexual Orientation if it is in relation to the event or risk you are looking to insure.
We might also need details of unspent criminal convictions which we will collect in line with GDPR where processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.
We will only collect what is necessary and protect it with appropriate security measures.
We mostly gather information from you, which you submit to us via our website, by telephone and call recording facilities, face to face, by email or by post.
We may receive it from other insurance brokers, insurers, introducers, or firms handling claims. It includes finance providers and firms that process or store our records.
As part of our investigation towards administering a policy or a claim, we may have to conduct research and obtain information from your event suppliers, social media posts or information in the public domain.
We will hold your information for no longer than we need to.
This can vary depending on the service we provide or the product your purchase. Different protections we offer have a ‘statute of limitations’.
Employers Liability, for example, needs to be kept for up to 60 years, which means under our contractual obligations to you, we would need to retain insurance records for the same period after your event.
If we were able to provide you with cover, or an offer of insurance was never taken up, information will be retained until one year later, based on a legitimate interest, should you re-approach us within the year.
Under GDPR, as an EU citizen, you would have the following rights:
- You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner at, Tel 0303 123 11132.
- You have the right to know how, why and where we process your data, as explained in this document.
- You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information from us, without charge by contacting us in writing, at the address above marking your correspondence FAO The Data Controller or by emailing us at
- This may include the right to transfer information to other providers.
- Any request you make to us can take up to 30 days to facilitate.
- We will provide the information to you in an electronic format.
- You also have the right to know, to whom we have passed your information.
- We may ask for proof of identity, or additional questions in order to process your request.
- You have the right to ask us to correct information which we hold which is not accurate.
- You have the right to ask us to delete your information or stop using it, unless it is necessary for us to retain it for insurance or financial purposes as set out in our document retention policy.
- You may have the right to object if decisions about you are made solely by a computer.
Data Controller: Event Insurance Services Ltd, 20a Headlands Business Park, Ringwood, Hants BH24 3PB.
Contact for queries: Simon Munnery, our Compliance & Agency Manager.
Underwritten by:

Bspoke Underwriting Limited policies are underwritten by Watford Insurance Company Europe Limited.